Simple Christians believe Grace is a free gift, Mormons believe you have to work for it. It’s the works over faith argument and what makes the Mormons not true Christians. If you are close with them you quickly understand their obsession with doing good works. It’s sad as it is a futile effort. Lots of depression in Mormons, and suicides.
Simple Christians believe Grace is a free gift, Mormons believe you have to work for it. It’s the works over faith argument and what makes the Mormons not true Christians. If you are close with them you quickly understand their obsession with doing good works. It’s sad as it is a futile effort. Lots of depression in Mormons, and suicides.
Simple Christians believe Grace is a free gift, Mormons believe you have to work for it. It’s the works over faith argument and what makes the Mormons not true Christians. If you are close with them you quickly understand their obsession with doing good works. It’s sad as it is a futile effort. Lots of depression in Mormons, and suicides.