So first...why do any have to be lies? Yes, she originally hired me to protect her. That was one of my offerings for the company that I owned at the time. And yes, she certainly got a bit freaked out when she saw my employment history (which has always been publicly available on LinkedIn, IMDB, and many other platforms). As to why she th…
So first...why do any have to be lies? Yes, she originally hired me to protect her. That was one of my offerings for the company that I owned at the time. And yes, she certainly got a bit freaked out when she saw my employment history (which has always been publicly available on LinkedIn, IMDB, and many other platforms). As to why she thought I might be there to kill her has been the subject of many a humorous conversation between us and those who know us since then and to the present day. So as I said in my response to Liam, that is the problem with people making assumptions about those who work in "intelligence"...they tend to think that "intelligence" includes everything from assassinations to toppling foreign governments. But as boring as it may sound, intelligence is simply collecting intelligence...not much different than being an investigative journalist or a detective. You try to answer a question by leveraging multiple sources. Along the way you do your best to grow (and sometimes recruit, wittingly or unwittingly) a network of trusted information sources or agents of access to always have access to those and new networks of sources. Police do this with confidential informants, journalists do this with whistleblowers and those who may be knowledgeable on a subject, intelligence collectors do this with everything available.
As to why I, as a trained intelligence professional, would be provided executive protection services should be the next question. That answer is simple: I was licensed and trained in that as well as "Private Security Services" was the parent authority that licensed my company and I also did a lot of work for a private firm in Virginia providing protection for people ranging from CEOs of Defense Contractors (overseas) and different celebrities, thought leaders, and journalists overseas and abroad (I even provided them training). So most of your question is appropriate, but assuming anything is a "lie" without any basis for why anything is a "lie" isn't really the best way to go about asking for or trying to obtain information, in my opinion. Hope this helps clarify. Here is a little more context regarding the questions your have asked:
So first...why do any have to be lies? Yes, she originally hired me to protect her. That was one of my offerings for the company that I owned at the time. And yes, she certainly got a bit freaked out when she saw my employment history (which has always been publicly available on LinkedIn, IMDB, and many other platforms). As to why she thought I might be there to kill her has been the subject of many a humorous conversation between us and those who know us since then and to the present day. So as I said in my response to Liam, that is the problem with people making assumptions about those who work in "intelligence"...they tend to think that "intelligence" includes everything from assassinations to toppling foreign governments. But as boring as it may sound, intelligence is simply collecting intelligence...not much different than being an investigative journalist or a detective. You try to answer a question by leveraging multiple sources. Along the way you do your best to grow (and sometimes recruit, wittingly or unwittingly) a network of trusted information sources or agents of access to always have access to those and new networks of sources. Police do this with confidential informants, journalists do this with whistleblowers and those who may be knowledgeable on a subject, intelligence collectors do this with everything available.
As to why I, as a trained intelligence professional, would be provided executive protection services should be the next question. That answer is simple: I was licensed and trained in that as well as "Private Security Services" was the parent authority that licensed my company and I also did a lot of work for a private firm in Virginia providing protection for people ranging from CEOs of Defense Contractors (overseas) and different celebrities, thought leaders, and journalists overseas and abroad (I even provided them training). So most of your question is appropriate, but assuming anything is a "lie" without any basis for why anything is a "lie" isn't really the best way to go about asking for or trying to obtain information, in my opinion. Hope this helps clarify. Here is a little more context regarding the questions your have asked:
(Regarding Naomi's fears about me:
A little more context:
I hope you found this response helpful👍
All the best,