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Let me offer this perspective:

From the point of view of the vaccine injured community of researchers, 2020 Peter McCollough looks a lot like a sleeper. There was a certain knowledge base about the nature of the disease and the pathology that had been built up since the 1934 Rockerfeller experimental vaccine in Los Angeles county, then the 1950's outbreak, then 1980's and Lake Tahoe, then the knowledge base of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Gulf War Illness and the winners and losers who contributed to this understranding over the course of 86 years. McCollough seemed to know a lot about "COVID" the disease but also seemed to have a massive blank spot in the archives section and no capacity co correlate 2020 vaccine injury physiology with the 86 year knowledge base that would neccessarily inform that understanding. This was ubiquitous in 2020. Lots and Lots of new medical heroes to listen to, all of whom seemed to know an inordinant amount about a "new" disease and embarassingly little about the history. How trustworthy can their observations be if their knowledge base begins in January 2020 regarding a century old epidemic? And to cast it as an infectious disease and to be apparently blind to the injected origin would clearly serve a time buying, truth obfuscating psyop. There is a wealth of knowledge in the CFS research community that got railroaded over like it didn't exist and ignored to current day. Plus austin texas, baylor, alex jones, special ops information warfare hub.

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Thank you for sharing from the view of the vaccine injured community of researchers. I know they have dealt severely with their own batch of nonsense dis-info agents.

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Yes, that is correct. The first firewall which could have served to save us from the current predicament, was the subtle accumulation over decades of medical evidence of an aberrant physiological condition which revealed little on physical exam yet debilitated those patients severely and often completely. This firewall was breached in the 1990's when the CDC put full effort into covering up the growing epidemic of non-HIV AIDS with their clumsy epidemiology and committed the world into a technocratic medical management system that rewarded "diagnosticians" for depending on medical (PCR) testing rather than confessing that they didn't know and doing the difficult work of investigation.

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You are welcome. I would like to update and share that: Judy says that they are trying, McCollough and Kory. She is being patient with them and she is supportive of them (not of TWC). From her perspective they are trying to help and just lacking in understanding. From my perspective: I'm protective and very suspicious about ANYBODY who Judy works with because she doesn't have time to do this investigation about ulterior motives but I do. We did not tolerate Richard Flemming when that particular operation became more clear. Kory and McCollough are willing to humble themselves with Judy so they have the opportunity to learn. Flemming wanted to fight and she was totally up for it.

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I assume you are talking about Judy Mikovitz. I read a couple of her books which I found interesting and maybe informative, though not totally convincing. And I was very open to the question of CFS as I had a friend who developed it and it was totally disabling for him in his veterinary practice. I went to a talk given her by together with Ed Dowd at the Io Theater and was totally underwhelmed by her. She sounded more like a used car saleswoman hawking her products than a scientist with information to share. So if she is supporting McCulough and Kory, two individuals that I am sure are compromised, that just convinces me even more that I was right about the first two. BTW, thanks for your input on McCullough and his lack of interest on CFS, chronic Lymes, autism debates, etc. and then suddenly vaulting into the limelight. As well as all the other "medical freedom not-a-movement" types that share the stage with him.

Also, I'd forgotten about Fleming altogether. Can you explain, or link to an explanatory article, that outed him?

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I appreciate what Dr. Mikovits has taught and I find no fault with her science or with what she teaches. However politics and affiliations are another thing and I support your being critical of all these people, may you continue boldly in your quest for truth.

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Flemming was running an op to convince people that “virus was gof from China” this would have helped to support the mass movement of popular political support for DJT to “Save us from the threat from China”.

Now you and I implicitly realize how silly that idea is because we in Hawaii have a Chinese senator named Chang who writes into law on a daily basis incomprehensibly draconian and police state and globalist type rules that seem contrary to life and DJT had never once mentioned this so for people to think DJT will save us from China is one of very many, very stupid delusions. Same could be said for the head of the rogue organization called DLNR which sprays disease carrying mosquitos from the sky onto Hawaiians which organization is headed by an individual also named Chang and had not once been called out by DJT. So now Trump can get busy protecting us from Iran instead….

So the thing about some virus from China is specious because if you look at Dr. Steven Quays analysis then it becomes clear that what is detected as a virus had come from a vaccine trial. This is supportive evidence for what Judy teaches regarding blood supply and biological products containing mouse retroviruses (superstitious folks who have a religion which encourages them to disbelieve in the existence of viruses need not respond). Those who claim that viruses are not real are doing harm to the discovery process of health damage caused by vaccines even as they think they are fighting to expose vaccine harms, they are ignorant.

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When I say supportive of I just mean that she gives them the benefit of there doubt and is not throwing them under the bus but she corrects their incorrect statements and doesn't tolerated their stupidity. Yes, I understand your position. I realized that I couldn't do that myself as much as I would like to and maybe will eventually, just throw out everyone for their affiliations. Instead I'm picking through each individually regardless of who they are linked to. It's work.

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I don't think there has been any article written. I witnessed him and Judy sparring essentially and I noticed that he was basically managing an agenda. I tried to inform him of some key aspects that I thought should not be overlooked and his response spoke volumes to me. Later on she mentioned something casually in a group setting about him being some kind of agent. She didn't really call him out publicly as far as I know and she didn't really stand up for Reiner publicly as far as I know though I may be wrong and I'm often wrong.

CFS is myalgic encephalomyelitis renamed to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Anthony Fauci. Gulf War Illness is the same and also it's called “non-HIV AIDS”. The separate labels keeps the truth difficult to discern intentionally. Judy told me that Robert Redfield gave the military AIDS in the 1990’s and she participated. They used plasmid PnL-43 apparently. So it's just my impression that this is the real cause of Gulf War Illness not the alleged smoke inhalation which has been instantiated into law as the cause (for obvious reasons from my perspective).

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Travis, thanks for all this info. You must know her personally. If she is for real I am almost surprised that she is still among us if she is whistleblowing this kind of knowledge. I've never heard the Redfield PnL-43 connection before and before Covid would probably have just discounted it, though I was pretty red-pilled prior to 2020. I sympathize with your situation in Hawaii. I've spent a lot of time in the islands and lived there for a year. California has been bad during Covid, but I spent plenty of time on Maui and it was quite a bit worse there. Thanks for all you are doing!

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The only place I've heard about the Redfield PnL-43 thing was a text response from her but I've run with it because it fits and the media likes to glamorize Redfield as some counter narrative hero in the Fauci blame game. Judy calls him a mass murderer.

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