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Yes you are quite correct Kristen. I fully support your statement.

However McCullough has a problem IMO.

I suspect he is Allopathically indoctrinated.

He does have skin in the game and he has avoided questions when asked for evidence i.e., burden of proof. In fact was quoted as providing snarky responses. like these;

Dr. McCullough’s response: “My energies are directed elsewhere.” and “Contact Caldas and Patterson“.

One of these requests involved his discussion with the TWC who's motives you question.

If one has confidence in making claims especially a credentialed individual like Dr McCullough, then it should be easy for him to provide the proof.

Dr Sam Baily did some work on this as did Christine Massey. I start with Dr Sam Bailey.

https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-says-he-has-seen Dr Baily cites two instances in he post see the References.



Now for Christine Massey.


and this

https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/peter-mccullough/ Please scroll down and note the summary of the funding he’s received since 2014.

Is he compromised? It is hard not to ask this question.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”- Upton Sinclair.

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Have you actually spoken with Dr. McCullough? At a time when it’s not inappropriate to get into a long detailed conversation that would take a lot of time to discuss? Or did you pop the question in a “meet and greet line” and hope to get all of your questions answered in 2 minutes. Dr. McCullough is our doctor. You obviously haven’t spent time with him personally.

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I am entitled to voice my opinion and no I don't want to speak with him or waste my energy as he has already denied others who have asked legitimate questions like Christine Massey who he fobbed off as he had no evidence.

He is your doctor and that is your choice.

I have no doubt he is a doctor, like most of the frauds are that are allopathically indoctrinated by Flexner's clan and are (Rockefellered). Have you researched that? - here have a quick look- https://mises.org/mises-daily/one-hundred-years-medical-fascism.

There is sufficient evidence that the scam of vaccination is just that, He claimed he saw a virus, that is absolute BS, as he saw he saw an EM digital interpretation where he believed what what he was told was a virus. It was only after the invention of Electron Microscopes that viruses could be "seen". All that was seen was metallic depositions on slices of resin blocks and are dead. No live virus has ever been "seen" ever. The field of virology did not exist before the 1950s. Its pseudo-science. Before the 1950s, “viruses” were merely a concept.

I would rather believe in someone like Dr. Stephan Lanka and Dr. Étienne de Harven on the existence and observations of Prof Harold Hillman. - some more sources.

Regarding sources, those quoted have the credentials and are not paid by the medical industry, which is unfortunately what McCullough accepts. Money for jam. Again go and see where he gets his money from. As is said follow the money. Your source is one in which have a vested interest as he is your doctor.

What is the other side? The side you don't approve of? Your arrogance Barb..."YOU need to do the actual research, not people who have seized onto the claim..." Hint- Try not to tell people what they should do. You have no authority to do so in any event.

Bye bye now.

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Unfortunately Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned. Sigh. Xcellent post btw, Thank you👊

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You take the words of 2 doctors who cannot answer all of the questions about their claim of “terrain theory” only and use that as your sources? YOU need to do the actual research, not people who have seized onto the claim - which, btw, would absolve all gain of function bioterrorism. Are you sure they’re not on the other side? Have you researched these people deeply?

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