I appreciate your well researched article. Time will tell whether some of the players are good or not. All I can say regarding Malone is, in this interview (time mark 33:23) about Pfizer's Covid jab, after Malone talks about Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) risk, the interviewer, who really did his homework, asked about the Absolute …
I appreciate your well researched article. Time will tell whether some of the players are good or not. All I can say regarding Malone is, in this interview (time mark 33:23) about Pfizer's Covid jab, after Malone talks about Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) risk, the interviewer, who really did his homework, asked about the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) measure vs. the Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) measure and notice Malone interrupts him and intentionally does not answer that question. Because Malone probably knew the ARR was < 2% for ALL the Covid jabs which meant they did not work. Instead, he said "for sure we can say there is now reasonable clinical evidence that there is protection from disease and death..." That was a complete LIE and total B.S.
This article "Covid-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness - the elephant (not) in the room" published in The Lancet summarizes the low ARR of all the Covid shots.
Dr. Ronald Brown's peer reviewed article reported the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reduced the risk of infection by .7% and 1.1%, respectively (ARR). The FDA, Pfizer and Moderna did not disclose the ARR to the public, ignoring the FDA's reporting guidelines.
This is all publicly available information and Malone knew this. The moment he lied in the interview, he was dead to me. And then he filed a $25 million defamation lawsuit against Dr. Peter Breggin and Jane Ruby which a judge threw out earlier this month.
As for Tim Ballard, I never trusted him from Day One given my first hand knowledge on fighting human trafficking. On OUR's 2022 financial report Form 990, page 1, salaries, other compensation and benefits (Line 15) is HALF (50%) of total revenues (Line 12). On page 7, Tim Ballard receives total compensation of $546,458. Schedule G, Part 2, pg.33, OUR's two fundraisers, after expenses, generated a net loss of $194,636. Schedule L, Part IV, (pg. 67) Mark Blake, Tim Ballard's brother-in-law and board member, received $278,684, Tim Ballard's wife, Katherine, received $118,283 and their child, Blain Ballard, received $47,918. Red flag.
I appreciate your well researched article. Time will tell whether some of the players are good or not. All I can say regarding Malone is, in this interview (time mark 33:23) about Pfizer's Covid jab, after Malone talks about Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) risk, the interviewer, who really did his homework, asked about the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) measure vs. the Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) measure and notice Malone interrupts him and intentionally does not answer that question. Because Malone probably knew the ARR was < 2% for ALL the Covid jabs which meant they did not work. Instead, he said "for sure we can say there is now reasonable clinical evidence that there is protection from disease and death..." That was a complete LIE and total B.S.
This article "Covid-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness - the elephant (not) in the room" published in The Lancet summarizes the low ARR of all the Covid shots.
Dr. Ronald Brown's peer reviewed article reported the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reduced the risk of infection by .7% and 1.1%, respectively (ARR). The FDA, Pfizer and Moderna did not disclose the ARR to the public, ignoring the FDA's reporting guidelines.
This is all publicly available information and Malone knew this. The moment he lied in the interview, he was dead to me. And then he filed a $25 million defamation lawsuit against Dr. Peter Breggin and Jane Ruby which a judge threw out earlier this month.
As for Tim Ballard, I never trusted him from Day One given my first hand knowledge on fighting human trafficking. On OUR's 2022 financial report Form 990, page 1, salaries, other compensation and benefits (Line 15) is HALF (50%) of total revenues (Line 12). On page 7, Tim Ballard receives total compensation of $546,458. Schedule G, Part 2, pg.33, OUR's two fundraisers, after expenses, generated a net loss of $194,636. Schedule L, Part IV, (pg. 67) Mark Blake, Tim Ballard's brother-in-law and board member, received $278,684, Tim Ballard's wife, Katherine, received $118,283 and their child, Blain Ballard, received $47,918. Red flag.
OUR wires hundreds of thousands of $ all over the world, supposedly to NGOs providing after care (#moneylaundering).
In 2015, OUR announced they were merging with the Elizabeth Smart Foundation (ESF), but later the ESF quietly severed that relationship.