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The credible resources are the ones that are not allowed to be brought to light. My deep sense is Malone and McCullough are not what they appear to be. In an interview, McCullough was asked of the possibility that viruses do not exist. If I understand this fact, then he understands it even more, and he totally dismissed it being unwilling to even discuss it. That’s a huge red flag for me.

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That and the fact that he has been “allowed ??” to get away with everything he has said with apparently no repercussions.

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From my understanding, Kochs postulates are not a required test to determine if such pathogens as viruses exist... they are useful, but not the exclusive proof of such things.

We're in a tough situation in that we're targeted sith disinformation to send us after red herrings and to get us fighting ourselves. AI language will make this exploitation even more challenging.

Peter McCullough may have dismissed the question for trying not to be pulled off message into an area that would lose the wider credibility he's trying to maintain with a wider audience... that's not his fight (in fact, I've found he falters when he tries to weigh in too much on the virology, like when he was claiming reinfection with SARS-COV-2 was very unlikely... it's a very contagious respiratory pathogen, it's bound to reinfect people).

I may be the one following mistaken sources on this and could be the one who's wrong here... my suggestion is to allow a lot of tolerance and keep an open mind to consider a range of dissident opinions on this and while we may be following competent thought leaders with their heart in the right place, but we must allow that a subset of them may have duped us and are intelligence plants or incompetent yet convincing speakers. When it comes to more important matters of principle, like whether to support lockdowns or mandates, that's where we fight hard and pour our efforts ehile not allowing ourselves to come off as hotheads or fanatics.

I don't think it's helpful to accuse people of being victimized by mass formation psychosis either.

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You realize all this gender ideology was also created by guvmint...Obama funded it heavily as well as Gates NGO's. Follow the $ and fake science appears

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Roxanne, where does that deep sense about Malone come from?

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Dr. Malone’s initial involvement with creating this mRNA/DNA (which we now all know is a bio weapon and has nothing to do with invisible viruses/unicorns)

had me suspect from the beginning.

He is also trying to defame Dr. Peter Breggin by attempting to sue him for calling him on his BS.

The truth should speak for itself and not have to be dragged through the courts to prove credibility. Add to the fact that now Malone is involved with some other new drug or technology, to combat or improve these injections tells me all I need to know.

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Malone did the early work on mRNA vaccines in the 1980's. That is around 40 years ago. Are you still blaming the Wright Brothers for airplane crashes? He walked away from the tech then because he couldnt make it safe. He has been calling out the pseudo-uridine modification of mRNA as making an unsafe tech even more dangerous and long lasting. What more is Malone supposed to do?

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Maybe stop dicking around with genetic manipulation for things that don’t exist? Which he’s still doing. He’s too much of a mad scientist to be credible.

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But only those with eyes2see will see👊 Xcellent posts -Thank you.

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You have been captured and are under mass psychosis as far as I can tell from reading your conclusion. It's obvious to me you haven't followed up on what's going on and now believing this new BS tells me all I need to know.

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Malone is a shill, a gatekeeper.

I am sorry for you that you haven't yet understood. McCullough is also captured.

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Jan 20, 2024Edited
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they both push the viruses myth and most telling of all refuse to actually have an adult debate about it. They always resort to name calling and saying Bullshit. No different than what the pushers of the Covid and Vaccine myths did.

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Read Sasha Latypova’s latest substack on Malone and tell me if you think I’m still captured

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Like her a lot but graphene and nano bots? Sad to say she’s not credible

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There are lots of people showing the crap in these shots. Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Robert Young, La Quinta Columna….

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The graphene is to lead you astray, she never mentions DNA or SM 40. That’s the real danger, there were 2 processes of Moderna and Pfizer one made w ecoli the other wo.

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OhMy u RllyRlly need2do some Real Research 👁👁

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Yes plus more like aluminum

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I have listened to both Malone and McCullough as they work at trying to understand and improve their knowledge base and what I will label for the moment as "intel." Intel as probing, being probed and harassed by the establishment PPPs and DOD/NIH/NIAID/CDC/CIA et al. I find them consistent and sincere, and their views and theories change and react as things and people happen. I've observed the Malones struggling with realizing having their entire life's training and work doing what they thought ultimately would help people - vaccines - actually does the opposite. I cannot imagine. Trying to come to grips with that sometimes literally kills people from the excessive stress it causes. Dr. McCullough wrestles back and forth with the question of was the "pandemic" and the injections deliberate? He has paid a huge price for speaking up and continues to, as does Dr Cole and Dr Nass and many others. There is going to be some inconsistencies in presentation remarks on that issue. I watch and listen to them sometimes with an eye from being an attorney (retied) with experience as my county's prosecutor, as criminal defense in state and federal court, dealing with DEA, FBI and other LEOs, civil law, state and federal admin law and regs, and regular representation work like divorce and custody. I'm not saying I am a great astute, I am not. I do object to comments as above that sweepingly vilify, for example, Malone, as I have invested some time and effort to know it facile to paint him (and others) as super-knowing villain players. There's more being uncovered; more being obscured with propaganda, bureaucratic obstacles and the Hotez's and Offits, FauXIs, Wellcomes et al. Normally I might dismiss your dismissal of the commenter, but - you are absolutely correct! How else to tell someone all in with the smear pile-ons ?

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You want to start in with terrain only theory and you don’t have the full info to discuss - he doesn’t need to spend his time there I wouldn’t.

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