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Very interesting! Cuing up now. I’d love to learn more about the Mormon church, beyond the controversial parts. In other words, I’d like to understand the underlying beliefs that separate it from other sects of Christianity. So far, all I’ve really heard is controversy along the lines of the excellent work by Derek Broze.

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It's a complicated discussion. Most all the Mormons I've known have struck me as highly moral people. Yet, the church was set up with a parallel set of Masonic lodges, and once you have a secret society hierarchy overlaying any group, the community no longer sees when there is need to push a Kunlangeta off the ice, so to speak. One form of Dunbar hacking.

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You may already be aware that the Mormon Church or, The Church of the Latter Day Saints, is a hotbed of deep freemasonic influence. Plastered over their temples are insignia that freemasons identify themselves with. On the pinnacle of their temple is the angel they call Maroni or sometimes Nephi. There is a lot of intrigue surrounding this angel along with much, much more telling information about Mormonisms dark secrets that can be found on the internet.

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Simple Christians believe Grace is a free gift, Mormons believe you have to work for it. It’s the works over faith argument and what makes the Mormons not true Christians. If you are close with them you quickly understand their obsession with doing good works. It’s sad as it is a futile effort. Lots of depression in Mormons, and suicides.

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In biblical Christianity, salvation is "by grace through faith, and not that of works, lest you boast." This is not the case with Catholicism, which is salvation by works (baptism, confession, mass, penance, transubstantiation, etc.) Mormonism teaches that "as man is, God once was; as God is, man may become." Mormons believe that God lives on a planet called Kolob, and that he came to earth to have sexual relations with Mary, mother of Jesus. They also believe that Lucifer is the brother of Jesus. Like Islam, they also teach that men will become gods to have unlimited celestial sex. Of course, all of these false teachings are not from the Bible. As Jesus declared, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the father but through me." The bottom line with biblical Christianity is that it is based on what God has done, not what man must do. All other religions are based in what man can do to earn salvation or to become as a god. (BTW, Broze is a gnostic who uses Masonic symbols in his work.)

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Well said

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Mormons are not Christians.

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