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I'm sorry...but I've read this article a few times now and a few things fit into the "so what?" category...and more. One of the major reasons I have this position about this article is because you mainly cite Legacy Media sources (honestly I was quite floored that you cited USA Today and Vice...might as well cite HHS, Pfizer and the Biden Administration). You also only target major voices in the health freedom movement and then make an abrupt shift to Tim Ballard (and even throw in some Blackwater for good measure....but if you knew more about private security and contracting you would probably be shrugging your shoulders while reading this article too). The problem is that I fail to see with what are you targeting them with...and, more importantly, why you are targeting them. (Actually, why do you only target people with your writing that are opposite of the ruling Left?) But those are questions for another conversation...let's stick to this one.

So you exclaim The Wellness Company has associates and employees who worked in or were tied to the Intelligence Community? Really? So what? First of all, the Intelligence Community is like a handgun...it is not an evil, living entity. It's as good or bad as the people controlling it. Additionally there are literally tens of millions of people who work in or have worked in the Intelligence Community. For example: Did you know that at the height of the "War on Terror" so many people were hired by US Intelligence agencies post 9/11 that for every 2.5 people in Maryland/DC/Virginia at least 1 of them would have had a Top Secret clearance (give or take, I believe that was the figure in or around 2014 that I read about) .

Also...attacking the LDS church? I don't know much about the DNA mention (nor do I care...their DNA, their choice) ...but I do know that the people in that community are some of the most welcoming and community driven people in the United States...and they are all incredibly nice, giving, and healthy. Actually, when we would do language training at BYU as part of a DoD contract they were the best hosts ever...even waived their caffeine prohibition for us Military Intelligence soldiers to have coffee in class. They are also the most Patriotic people, as a whole, that I have ever met...still are (I was back there about a year or two ago. They are also incredible linguists...guess they have to be...LDS must be tough to sell in the Middle East).

Then the attacks on Tim Ballard? I don't see a thing in what you wrote that is not a Left-wing talking point and/or is right in that category of "So What?" Tim Ballard openly says that he worked at DHS...and of course DHS has some crossover with intelligence agencies...that's the effort to reduce intelligence silos. Also...you do realize that the same people trafficking children are the same people that gave Crockett and Tubbs a reason to exist on Miami Vice? These are bad hombres....the traffickers. It takes equally bad-ass hombres to rescue these children. Guess where you find those types of men and women? Anyone? From the pool of former Special Ops and Intelligence Operators! Kind of makes sense, right? Well...never mind...it does.

Then you vilify those offering security services or security training. My favorite was the way you framed the "security training" skills supposedly from CIA training, etc. as somehow making these people in your article even more suspicious. First, it is a very common offering for security companies & there is a huge population of people that, of course, want to take some "007" training...who wouldn't? It's cool ....cool if you don't actually know anything about actual intelligence operations. Doesn't it make sense to learn the skills of one's adversary to better defend one's self from that very adversary? "In a world full of madmen, once must train as a maniac" -(paraphrased ... "Dante'", from Alexandre Dumas's "Count of Monte Cristo").

Spoiler alert: everything on that list of "skills" in that training pamphlet you highlighted can also be found and learned on YouTube...they are not exactly "secret" anymore. Hell, I used to offer the same course and was featured on PIX 11 New York primetime in an annoyingly "cutesy" take of our course for their primetime audience.

And before anyone reading my comment goes all super--sleuth & has a little "ah-HAH" moment, let me save you the trouble: I used to work in the intelligence community AND I used to be in Special Forces (specifically...YIKES... doing military intelligence!) AND I even used to provide services and training to libertarian student organizations, journalists, and human right's organizations...should I be a subject of suspicion for some larger game of international intrigue? No...I just wanted to do something new for a new group of people I was never exposed to and also wanted to help them be, or at least feel, safer and more empowered (those Eastern European students deal with a lot from their governments). So yeah...I am one of those "shady" people that now works to preserve and protect liberty. But not because I wanted to keep the jab out of my 10 year-olds arm, or give my two kids and two step kids a free or freer America, or watch the country I have served to protect since 1992...no of course not. I am probably "controlled opposition" or some other such nonsense...which actually makes no sense (unless I hate my kids, hate my country, and prefer a version of America that is a dystopian, neo-Marxist Hell-hole).

In summary, what I got out of this article are just 3 questions: 1/ What's YOUR motivation for what you write? 2/ Do you do any research beyond secondary sources? Would you actually like to learn about the Intelligence Community, how actual intelligence operations are conceived, planned, executed, and measured for effectiveness, to include psyops AKA perception management AKA covert influence) or would you like to keep getting lost in your own maze of weak sourcing, very liberal "dot connecting", & confirmation bias? (that might be, technically, 4 questions...so what?)

Anyway, I'd be happy to chat.

And to all others reading this...please do an expose' on me...I've only had one & I liked the article but hated the picture they used. So, if possible, just make me sound & look cool...or as close as one such as me can get to "cool" πŸ˜’

(Ironically, Naomi Klein made me sound really cool in her latest book...whether intentional or not. I can't stand her, but mad props to that neo-Marxist, champagne Socialist, Green Agenda Crazed-Covidiot from the North...horrible sourcing, but a strangely pleasant writing style...at least for the fiction genre).

Note: I have intentionally provided no links, no sources, and no citations for anything I have stated because if you don't believe me or want prove me wrong that is your job. And if you don't...well then...so what?

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Hi Brian, thanks for offering your input. A couple thoughts:

1. Thank you for your service.

2. The article did not attack the intelligence community.

3. The article did not attack the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Mormon faith.

4. You are not the subject of the article.

5. Your choice not to provide links, sources, citations, etc. in your comment is yours to make, and you are certainly welcome to provide feedback on how this article is referenced.

6. I would have thought, however, that it would have been appropriate to mention that your outlet, DailyClout, has a financial relationship with The Wellness Company.

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Hi Liam, thanks for offering your input. A couple of thoughts, comments, and a question(s):

1. Your welcome but it was my pleasure (best job I ever had).

2. I don't think the article attacked the intel community but wouldn't care if it did, I left the IC for a reason. I didn't think they were "bad" or "evil", I just thought they were inept and hampered by bureaucracy . That said, the point I was trying to make was that relationships to the intel community are often used to create doubt or undermine trust in people that are said to be associated with it. (See the comment from Marty below. Yes, my wife actually believed I was sent to her for darker reasons than what I was actually there to do. Not because of anything in my demeanor or actions, simply because I had a history of employment with Military Intelligence and Government Intelligence). My mention of this was to highlight that it is important to see the intel community as a tool/employer, not as a club or cult full of bad actors.

3. The article seemed to cast a a shadow of doubt or at least open up suspicion as to the LDS's intentions, associations, etc. Maybe those intentions are good, maybe they are bad...I don't know. I do know that my experience with Mormons has always been very positive. But the context in which LDS is mentioned seems intended to cast a negative light on that church and/or those who may be affiliated with LDS. If I read that wrong or interpreted it differently than it was intended to be interpreted, than I am happy to read the article again at a different time of the day.

4. I know I am not the subject of the article unless I had just changed my name (prior to reading the article) to Tim, or Eric, or Peter. I also don't care if I am the subject (or not) of any article. I'd rather be focused on creating rather than investigating...with some time set aside for wasting time. In a perfect world you and I would be playing cards and talking about our favorite sports team rather than having this discussion. But here we are.

5. I don't really think #5 requires a response as it's a given.

6. My wife's company, which I am only associated with as a contributor (I am not privy to their business operations). I would assume that if a company has ads on a website they most likely have a relationship. But that's a question for her and her staff, not for me as I have no idea the nature of that relationship (My wife doesn't know who my clients at my company Centurion Intelligence Partners are either...it's just good business practice).

That said, I do have the highest respect for Peter McCullough, and he is a friend of ours (well hers, he only has met me once when he promoted her book in 2022). So obviously, in the face of this content that seems heavy on confirmation bias to support a theory rather than fact-based, objective analysis, I felt the need to respond to this article to provide some balance to the discussion. But, to be totally transparent, what really caught my interest was the heavy reliance in this article on legacy media sources (sources that are not even primary and are widely considered sock-puppets for special interests [i.e. "Vice" and "USA Today"]).

What also caught my attention is that this author only seems to "investigate" Freedom and Health Freedom movements in her other work. Why is that? To me, this is extremely suspicious. But I am open learning about her motivations behind the subjects she chooses to focus on. As a well seasoned, highly trained, and highly educated professional in the areas of propaganda, covert influence, intelligence analysis, and intelligence operations I am constantly on the lookout for articles and content that may have ulterior motives other than those stated by the author, if stated at all. Not saying that is the case here, but I can say I am less confident after reading the article that it is not.

Those are my comments, here are my questions:

Why are you responding to me rather than Ms. Elizabeth? Is this her work or is this your work? I see she references that it is based on your work, but does that mean it's simply a reposting of your work, is this her work, or is this a collaboration?

And please note, my focus is doing my small part to protect America and our way of life. I don't care about being right or wrong in any argument...if I am wrong I am wrong and if I am right I am right...as long as transparency and truth the final outcome. In this case, I see nothing in this article that creates doubt in TWC, but actually creates doubt as to the author's intentions in the subjects she chooses to cover and the motivation behind this and other articles she has written (I've never heard of her before I came across this yesterday). If I missed something I am happy hear what that was. No one is perfect, but I hope we all are striving to be, at a minimum, good.

Thank you for your comments!


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Brian, your wife Naomi Wolf claimed two different stories on how you met. In one article she said she hired you to protect her and later began to date you. In the later article she claims that you began dating first and that she was afraid of you and your friends. At a minimum, one of your wife's tales is a lie.

You tell me. Which is the lie?

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Semantics.. It's like saying, I didn't attack the man, but I slandered him and spread dirty rumours about him so that he lost his job. The overall tenor of the article cast a negative connotation on the intelligence community insofar as hinting that it's secretive and nefarious and now they want to make money off vitamins so now there must be some plot to poison all of the right wing people with the wrong type of spike protein. This CIA guy will change the ingredients of the vitamins in a few years and then all of the right wing Trump supporters will become zombies!! that's basically where it's going.

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I agree with you Brian on all your points. It does cast negative connotation with Mormon church and it is very easy to portray any member of intelligence community as nefarious. The same thing was done against David Hancock who worked closely with Kyle Rittenhouse and who also at one point was close to Lin Wood.

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Hi there. Did you ever notice that Chris Nocco looks an awful lot like an Israeli asset? His wife lobbys for big sugar and big health (HCA) You ever work this close to JSOC???

the new detention facility built by MOSS (and Associates) isn't too terrible far from there. Nocco just couldn't manage to keep running that jail!

Many instances of medical (health related) llcs registering to do business under the fictitious name HCA.


"Smith and Ballard...

Smith & Ballard powerhouse lobbying firm breaks up, replaced by Ballard Partners"


"2010 legislative lobbyist Bridget Nocco"


"Known nationally as a top-tier Republican fundraiser, Bridget has worked alongside Florida’s leading candidates and elected officials in the legislative and executive branches and now directs Ballard Partners’ fundraising initiatives."


"Sheriff's wife gets key lobbying job."


"Scott is holding a fundraiser Sunday night at New York’s Yankee Stadium, where donors are expected to write big checks to the Republican Party of Florida to help finance his campaign. The invitation RSVPs to Bridget Nocco, a lobbyist whose clients include HCA and U.S. Sugar Corp."


"Of the 60 highest-paid consultants for lawmakers' committees, at least 12 work as lobbyists, according to a Herald/Times analysis. The consultant-lobbyists are hired by corporations to influence the same legislators who pay them for political help."


"Delays in the construction, overcrowding, the rising costs of the operation, including fees paid to other jurisdictions for housing the overflow of inmates, are among the reasons Nocco cited when he announced earlier this year he wanted out of the jail business."

"Earlier this month, the County Commission reaffirmed its choice of Moss & Associates LLC as its construction manager to oversee the work, with an estimated completion time of summer 2025. In spring 2020, the company was brought on board to handle the pre-construction portions of the job."


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As the Scriptures say,

β€œI will destroy the wisdom of the wise

and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.”



Learn something new every day… Blessings


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Hey Brian, in 2022 your wife Naomi Wolf wrote that she originally hired you to protect her. In 2023 she wrote that when she started dating you she believed you were sent to kill her.

Which is the lie? Are both lies?

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So first...why do any have to be lies? Yes, she originally hired me to protect her. That was one of my offerings for the company that I owned at the time. And yes, she certainly got a bit freaked out when she saw my employment history (which has always been publicly available on LinkedIn, IMDB, and many other platforms). As to why she thought I might be there to kill her has been the subject of many a humorous conversation between us and those who know us since then and to the present day. So as I said in my response to Liam, that is the problem with people making assumptions about those who work in "intelligence"...they tend to think that "intelligence" includes everything from assassinations to toppling foreign governments. But as boring as it may sound, intelligence is simply collecting intelligence...not much different than being an investigative journalist or a detective. You try to answer a question by leveraging multiple sources. Along the way you do your best to grow (and sometimes recruit, wittingly or unwittingly) a network of trusted information sources or agents of access to always have access to those and new networks of sources. Police do this with confidential informants, journalists do this with whistleblowers and those who may be knowledgeable on a subject, intelligence collectors do this with everything available.

As to why I, as a trained intelligence professional, would be provided executive protection services should be the next question. That answer is simple: I was licensed and trained in that as well as "Private Security Services" was the parent authority that licensed my company and I also did a lot of work for a private firm in Virginia providing protection for people ranging from CEOs of Defense Contractors (overseas) and different celebrities, thought leaders, and journalists overseas and abroad (I even provided them training). So most of your question is appropriate, but assuming anything is a "lie" without any basis for why anything is a "lie" isn't really the best way to go about asking for or trying to obtain information, in my opinion. Hope this helps clarify. Here is a little more context regarding the questions your have asked:

(Regarding Naomi's fears about me: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/soup

A little more context: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/brian-osheas-birthday?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2)

I hope you found this response helpfulπŸ‘

All the best,


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