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Liam, take a look and listen to Dr. Malone and what he says is only half of what has happened. Dr. McCullough knows exactly what he is doing.

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I very consciously left any accusations or speculations regarding the doctors involved with TWC out of my article. I am of the opinion that the important part of the story are the ties to intelligence of the founders/owners of TWC, and the previously listed Chief of marketing, Christopher Alexander. Whether McCullough knows exactly what he is doing or not, I have found no evidence of. If you have, feel free to share, but I do not think Malone's word is a credible enough source. I do not want the content of this article to get drowned out by the Malone/McCullough distraction.

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If you don't want this article to get drowned out by the Malone/McCullough "distraction", maybe not posting what you did about "Malone's word not being credible" would be a good start.

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Surely you can appreciate that I would hold myself to a high enough standard as to request documented evidence of a claim, as I did with La Gata. Generally speaking, people can say all kinds of things about other people. Though perhaps occasionally insightful to an overall understanding, no one's word is a credible enough source.

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Yes you are quite correct Kristen. I fully support your statement.

However McCullough has a problem IMO.

I suspect he is Allopathically indoctrinated.

He does have skin in the game and he has avoided questions when asked for evidence i.e., burden of proof. In fact was quoted as providing snarky responses. like these;

Dr. McCulloughтАЩs response: тАЬMy energies are directed elsewhere.тАЭ and тАЬContact Caldas and PattersonтАЬ.

One of these requests involved his discussion with the TWC who's motives you question.

If one has confidence in making claims especially a credentialed individual like Dr McCullough, then it should be easy for him to provide the proof.

Dr Sam Baily did some work on this as did Christine Massey. I start with Dr Sam Bailey.

https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-says-he-has-seen Dr Baily cites two instances in he post see the References.



Now for Christine Massey.


and this

https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/peter-mccullough/ Please scroll down and note the summary of the funding heтАЩs received since 2014.

Is he compromised? It is hard not to ask this question.

тАЬIt is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.тАЭ- Upton Sinclair.

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Have you actually spoken with Dr. McCullough? At a time when itтАЩs not inappropriate to get into a long detailed conversation that would take a lot of time to discuss? Or did you pop the question in a тАЬmeet and greet lineтАЭ and hope to get all of your questions answered in 2 minutes. Dr. McCullough is our doctor. You obviously havenтАЩt spent time with him personally.

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I am entitled to voice my opinion and no I don't want to speak with him or waste my energy as he has already denied others who have asked legitimate questions like Christine Massey who he fobbed off as he had no evidence.

He is your doctor and that is your choice.

I have no doubt he is a doctor, like most of the frauds are that are allopathically indoctrinated by Flexner's clan and are (Rockefellered). Have you researched that? - here have a quick look- https://mises.org/mises-daily/one-hundred-years-medical-fascism.

There is sufficient evidence that the scam of vaccination is just that, He claimed he saw a virus, that is absolute BS, as he saw he saw an EM digital interpretation where he believed what what he was told was a virus. It was only after the invention of Electron Microscopes that viruses could be "seen". All that was seen was metallic depositions on slices of resin blocks and are dead. No live virus has ever been "seen" ever. The field of virology did not exist before the 1950s. Its pseudo-science. Before the 1950s, тАЬvirusesтАЭ were merely a concept.

I would rather believe in someone like Dr. Stephan Lanka and Dr. ├Йtienne de Harven on the existence and observations of Prof Harold Hillman. - some more sources.

Regarding sources, those quoted have the credentials and are not paid by the medical industry, which is unfortunately what McCullough accepts. Money for jam. Again go and see where he gets his money from. As is said follow the money. Your source is one in which have a vested interest as he is your doctor.

What is the other side? The side you don't approve of? Your arrogance Barb..."YOU need to do the actual research, not people who have seized onto the claim..." Hint- Try not to tell people what they should do. You have no authority to do so in any event.

Bye bye now.

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Unfortunately Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned. Sigh. Xcellent post btw, Thank youЁЯСК

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You take the words of 2 doctors who cannot answer all of the questions about their claim of тАЬterrain theoryтАЭ only and use that as your sources? YOU need to do the actual research, not people who have seized onto the claim - which, btw, would absolve all gain of function bioterrorism. Are you sure theyтАЩre not on the other side? Have you researched these people deeply?

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Malone proudly claims credit for inventing gp-120, aka HIV/AIDS.

First interview he did w/the horse riding chick in Spain, shortly after he appeared on the scene.

He also openly admits he still works w/3 letter agencies.

There's also a very shady biotech operation he is/was running circa 2021/2022.. in Ohio, I think? That is more obscure and I was well over him at that point, but it should be traceable while digging into his 3LA connections.

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Not sure but i think RM is a silent funder of Alachua Fl Resilence. They made the Pfizer or LNP..but once a DARPA always a DARPA, what we see here is crisis capitalist, govt does it all he time, hedging the bets via influencers..I hear Simone Gold has a few PJs, private jets..she also a J6 attendee but no real sentence that I saw of the others. I believe Ashley Babbitt was a Q annon set up...Cass Sunstein's idea but perfected by Flynn and trademarked by Flynn, crisis capitalism

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Sometimes allwe have to work with is someone's word. I appreciate your predicament and thought you handled it tactfully. One can only write within scope of the information/clues one receives.

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She didn't say that "Malone's word is not credible"; go reread her reply, she said "I do not believe that Malone's word is a credible enough source" and this was writing with regards to her not yet having found any evidence that McCullough knows what he's linked to.

So she's not saying "Malone is not a credible person", but rather that she does not consider an assertion from Malone on its own to be adequate evidence for her to write any claims about whether McCullough or other prominent doctors involved know all of these unsavory links to TWC.

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"Malone's word not being credible"

Not a direct quote.

This is what was said:

"If you have, feel free to share, but I do not think Malone's word is a credible enough source."

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Really Kristin? If Malone's direct experience isn't credible, then what is? His experience with Peter is on X in the comments relating to the article that you wrote and he posted. Dr. Malone suggests contacting John Littell or contacting him if you want more details.

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The credible resources are the ones that are not allowed to be brought to light. My deep sense is Malone and McCullough are not what they appear to be. In an interview, McCullough was asked of the possibility that viruses do not exist. If I understand this fact, then he understands it even more, and he totally dismissed it being unwilling to even discuss it. ThatтАЩs a huge red flag for me.

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That and the fact that he has been тАЬallowed ??тАЭ to get away with everything he has said with apparently no repercussions.

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From my understanding, Kochs postulates are not a required test to determine if such pathogens as viruses exist... they are useful, but not the exclusive proof of such things.

We're in a tough situation in that we're targeted sith disinformation to send us after red herrings and to get us fighting ourselves. AI language will make this exploitation even more challenging.

Peter McCullough may have dismissed the question for trying not to be pulled off message into an area that would lose the wider credibility he's trying to maintain with a wider audience... that's not his fight (in fact, I've found he falters when he tries to weigh in too much on the virology, like when he was claiming reinfection with SARS-COV-2 was very unlikely... it's a very contagious respiratory pathogen, it's bound to reinfect people).

I may be the one following mistaken sources on this and could be the one who's wrong here... my suggestion is to allow a lot of tolerance and keep an open mind to consider a range of dissident opinions on this and while we may be following competent thought leaders with their heart in the right place, but we must allow that a subset of them may have duped us and are intelligence plants or incompetent yet convincing speakers. When it comes to more important matters of principle, like whether to support lockdowns or mandates, that's where we fight hard and pour our efforts ehile not allowing ourselves to come off as hotheads or fanatics.

I don't think it's helpful to accuse people of being victimized by mass formation psychosis either.

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You realize all this gender ideology was also created by guvmint...Obama funded it heavily as well as Gates NGO's. Follow the $ and fake science appears

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Roxanne, where does that deep sense about Malone come from?

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Dr. MaloneтАЩs initial involvement with creating this mRNA/DNA (which we now all know is a bio weapon and has nothing to do with invisible viruses/unicorns)

had me suspect from the beginning.

He is also trying to defame Dr. Peter Breggin by attempting to sue him for calling him on his BS.

The truth should speak for itself and not have to be dragged through the courts to prove credibility. Add to the fact that now Malone is involved with some other new drug or technology, to combat or improve these injections tells me all I need to know.

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Malone did the early work on mRNA vaccines in the 1980's. That is around 40 years ago. Are you still blaming the Wright Brothers for airplane crashes? He walked away from the tech then because he couldnt make it safe. He has been calling out the pseudo-uridine modification of mRNA as making an unsafe tech even more dangerous and long lasting. What more is Malone supposed to do?

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Maybe stop dicking around with genetic manipulation for things that donтАЩt exist? Which heтАЩs still doing. HeтАЩs too much of a mad scientist to be credible.

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But only those with eyes2see will seeЁЯСК Xcellent posts -Thank you.

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You have been captured and are under mass psychosis as far as I can tell from reading your conclusion. It's obvious to me you haven't followed up on what's going on and now believing this new BS tells me all I need to know.

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Malone is a shill, a gatekeeper.

I am sorry for you that you haven't yet understood. McCullough is also captured.

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Jan 20, 2024Edited
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they both push the viruses myth and most telling of all refuse to actually have an adult debate about it. They always resort to name calling and saying Bullshit. No different than what the pushers of the Covid and Vaccine myths did.

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Read Sasha LatypovaтАЩs latest substack on Malone and tell me if you think IтАЩm still captured

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Like her a lot but graphene and nano bots? Sad to say sheтАЩs not credible

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There are lots of people showing the crap in these shots. Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Robert Young, La Quinta ColumnaтАж.

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The graphene is to lead you astray, she never mentions DNA or SM 40. ThatтАЩs the real danger, there were 2 processes of Moderna and Pfizer one made w ecoli the other wo.

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OhMy u RllyRlly need2do some Real Research ЁЯСБЁЯСБ

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Yes plus more like aluminum

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I have listened to both Malone and McCullough as they work at trying to understand and improve their knowledge base and what I will label for the moment as "intel." Intel as probing, being probed and harassed by the establishment PPPs and DOD/NIH/NIAID/CDC/CIA et al. I find them consistent and sincere, and their views and theories change and react as things and people happen. I've observed the Malones struggling with realizing having their entire life's training and work doing what they thought ultimately would help people - vaccines - actually does the opposite. I cannot imagine. Trying to come to grips with that sometimes literally kills people from the excessive stress it causes. Dr. McCullough wrestles back and forth with the question of was the "pandemic" and the injections deliberate? He has paid a huge price for speaking up and continues to, as does Dr Cole and Dr Nass and many others. There is going to be some inconsistencies in presentation remarks on that issue. I watch and listen to them sometimes with an eye from being an attorney (retied) with experience as my county's prosecutor, as criminal defense in state and federal court, dealing with DEA, FBI and other LEOs, civil law, state and federal admin law and regs, and regular representation work like divorce and custody. I'm not saying I am a great astute, I am not. I do object to comments as above that sweepingly vilify, for example, Malone, as I have invested some time and effort to know it facile to paint him (and others) as super-knowing villain players. There's more being uncovered; more being obscured with propaganda, bureaucratic obstacles and the Hotez's and Offits, FauXIs, Wellcomes et al. Normally I might dismiss your dismissal of the commenter, but - you are absolutely correct! How else to tell someone all in with the smear pile-ons ?

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You want to start in with terrain only theory and you donтАЩt have the full info to discuss - he doesnтАЩt need to spend his time there I wouldnтАЩt.

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Look into Dr. Malone past working with the deepstate.

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Yes, I am aware. See comment above.

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Investigative reporter George Webb has fully exposed Malone for the fraud that he is. Malone had a lead role in developing the spike protein bioweapon for DARPA.

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As did MANY others!

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Jay, The deepstate stuff is so bogus and yet is inferred over and over again. He has covered his involvement in detail for all aspects of his career, maybe that was his mistake, being too transparent...

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Yes, totally agree- Malone is too transparent for his own good.

oh - and also agree on all the bogus hype people indulge in over this supposed "deepstate"- what a ridiculous conspiracy theory! - imagine, people are stupid enough to believe there is some sort of "worldwide cabal" hoodwinking everyone with a fake scam virus and then peddling weaponized injections as "vaccines" that sterilize and murder the vast majority of humanity and turn the rest into transhumanist slaves. We know that's fake because Robert Malone took the shot himself (!) , and he never would have if it was a weaponized injection! Oh- and for sure he really took it- because he said he almost died. That's proof that he is real. And- he's an insider with a lot of friends in the CIA- he says so himself! So he would know if they were trying to murder everyone. And -he has tons of experience with vaccines going back DECADES, and investing in genome research companies and holding tons of patents in various LLCs that he is associated with but not in his name directly because, bad optics and all that. And years of consulting work for GOF military research- he's been everywhere! - he was there for the anthrax scares (!) and he helped roll out the ebola vax (!) he's got deep ties to all the players- he says so himself, except when he is denying any direct knowledge of certain things. That is the kind of know-how we need to get to the truth! He knows where the bodies are buried. If anyone can help us it's surely Robert Malone.

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Now apply that to every supposed anti-establishment hero that was manufactured for us. ThatтАЩs 99% of them.

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I guess D D stands for "duped dupe".

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Excuse me, Joanie, name calling is for schoolyard bullies.

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Tavistock Institute grabbed you by the balls. Central banks run the show via the BIS. Calling it deep state is for morons.

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If u think the deep state "stuff" is bogus then u will never understand or see theTruth. Sigh.

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Are you sure? Positive? Prove your position.

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Because Malone has worked for years with the cia?

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Mar 28
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Nicely done.

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